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Special Yeasts – Biotechnology in the Brewery

Some yeast strains limit alcohol formation. Maltose-negative yeasts aid alcohol-free beer, while Crabtree-negative yeasts reduce alcohol production in oxygen-rich environments.

A number of selected yeast strains that have become commercially available in recent years can be used to limit or even prevent alcohol formation.

  • Maltose-negative yeasts: These yeasts are unable to ferment maltose and more complex sugars. Since they convert fewer sugars into alcohol, they are ideal for producing alcohol-free beer.
  • Crabtree-negative yeasts: These yeasts produce less alcohol in an oxygen-rich environment compared to conventional yeasts. This makes them particularly suitable for applications where low alcohol production is desired.

These yeasts are used in combination with the stopped fermentation method described above. The advantages and challenges are therefore largely the same, except that the process with these ‘special’ yeasts is easier to control and less process knowledge is required for the production of alcohol-free beers.

However, the yeasts are often very expensive and often produce a different taste compared to conventional beer yeasts.


Special yeasts are a promising technology that can take the production of alcohol-free beer to a higher level. They offer brewers the opportunity to naturally reduce the alcohol content and create unique flavor profiles. Although there are challenges in terms of costs and implementation, the technology continues to develop and offers much potential for the future.

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